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Sully B.

Spider-Man: Far From Home Review- Amazing, Ultimate, Spectacular, and Sensational

Updated: Jul 8, 2019

It's hard to top a superhero film, let only a film in general after the April release of Marvel Studio's little film known as Avengers: Endgame. Yet somehow with their latest chapter in the franchise, and second film of the Spider-Man series, Far From Home manages to set a new bar for standalone superhero films that its only failure is that it leaves you begging on the doors of Disney and asking for more. Far From Home takes place eight month after the events of Endgame. Peter Parker, played by everyone's favorite neighbor Spider Tom Holland, decides he needs some R&R from all the heroing he does in Queens, alongside attempting to be an iconic figure as a newly inducted Avenger, and goes on a school European vacation. Alongside his best friend Ned, and is new high school crush MJ, played by Zendaya, the gang goes to Venice, Prague, and London. Soon into the vacation, Peter is taken by Nick Furry to meet with the mysterious Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, played Jake Gyllenhaal. Beck explains to Peter about the arrival of himself and the Elementals from a different Earth, almost as if it is a Multiverse. Upon hearing this news Peter is persuaded by Beck to help him save the Earth. While managing to save the Earth, Peter must balance being a student and wanting to hang with his friends especially MJ. There is so much I want to talk about within this film, however that would require releasing spoilers and I will make this review spoiler-free for all to read. The overall statement I can make from watching this film, is to go watch this visually stunning film. Questions before the release of the film that needed to be tackled that certainly hit it's mark included: where is the story going after Endgame, how can the next villain be topped after someone such as Thanos, and the growth of Peter Parker. The story going forward for the MCU is bright, fresh, and certainly exciting to all film buffs and fans of the MCU. Next we have the villain. Where do I begin with Gyllenhaal? There was never a dull moment with Quentin Beck. Marvel's formulas in the last ten years seems to be working in the sense of making sure your almost more intrigued about the villain rather than main hero of the film. For me the last time I was able to see this after someone such as Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, was Michael B. Jordan in Black Panther, and Josh Brolin as Thanos. Gyllenhaal makes his character intriguing, mysterious, fun at times, and overall one of the best villains in the MCU, and without a doubt, probably the best villain in the MCU. Lastly, watching Peter Parker turn from the teenager bit by the spider, to the leader that we all know him to be is appealing and cheerful at some moments. Spider-Man: Far From Home beats out Spider-Man 2 and Into the Spider-Verse as the best Spider-Man film for sure, as well as being a top 3 film in the MCU, and the overall top film of the summer. The mid-credits scene that needed to be mention after the film, is probably one of the best post-credits scenes of all time, next to Fast and Furious 6 when Jason Statham came out of the car. Now stop what you are doing and go web-swing into theaters to watch this film.

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